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At GreenWorldTechnology, we are committed to environmental responsibility. We use cutting-edge innovation to apply various technologies and sciences that enable us to deliver a service that is both efficient and eco-friendly.

We have a growing network of partners that enable us to offer a wide range of services and equipment to enhance our own and our client’s environmental performance. Our offerings include products like heat recovery systems that reuse waste energy to warm the water supply, and services like responsible waste management that cover food, confidential, hazardous, and clinical waste.

Our development into sustainable design includes manufacturing a range of systems that can produce a range of natural oxidising products. Our gaseous Ozone generators kill airborne pathogens and eliminate offensive odours, effective for application in environments such as kitchens and care homes.

Our Hypochlorous solution (HOCl) generators provide a powerful and highly accredited sanitiser and cleaner which benefits in being non-toxic, natural, and requiring no COSHH. Our HOCl can be produced by clients in situ, alternatively it is applied in all of our internal and external cleaning services.


GreenWorldTechnology has partnered with Bee1 to support a hive in Wales, UK.

Our very own bee colony is thriving, contributing to the pollination of local plants. Concurrently, Bee1 is diligently spreading knowledge and raising public consciousness about the crucial contribution of bees and other pollinators to our ecosystem.

Our collaboration with Bee1 not only aids in conserving biodiversity and threatened species but also safeguards the continued availability of numerous crops and plants, which are integral to our food supply, medicinal needs, and more. Bees, the unsung champions of our environment, are indispensable for our survival.

Therefore, we consider it a privilege to back Bee1 in their commendable endeavour to protect bees and, by extension, our planet.



Ecologi is an environmental organisation based in Bristol, with a unique approach to combating climate change.

For every transaction completed at GreenWorldTechnology, Ecologi plants a tree. This initiative not only contributes to reforestation efforts but also serves as a practical and effective method to offset carbon emissions.

Not only does this benefit GWT’s sustainable credentials, but also benefits our clients by reducing their carbon footprint. Every purchase they make contributes to a greener planet, making them active participants in the fight against climate change.

By working with Ecologi, we are taking tangible steps to create a sustainable future, demonstrating that business growth and environmental stewardship can go hand in hand. We believe that every tree planted brings us one step closer to a healthier planet.


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